Monday, October 28, 2013

It's gettin, it's gettin, it's gettin kinda hectic

We only have about 7 weeks till the end of the semester folks and I'm supposed to teach you everything else you would ever need to know about Biology in that time frame....Ain't gonna happen. But don't let that slow you down - there is no slowing down until we reach the end of the journey that we are taking together. Besides, you don't want your grade to stink, now do you? We still have miles to go before we sleep.

What is going to happen is that I am going to teach you who you are, where you fit in, and how you got here. So beyond Cell cycle and Cell communication, we're going into the organization of living organisms, the evolution of those organisms, and of course the genetics of those organisms since that affects all of the above. But first, we have to step into the energy that  drives us and motivates us. The systems that capture marvelous sunlight and transform it almost magically into the energy that drives our every breath. It's time for Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. We'll call our study, the study of Cellular Energetics.

But before we get started, here's some humor:

Get ready to hang on for dear life - or at least the study of it! Let's get it started, yeahhh

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